Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wayne's  Suggested Gift List

Unique and intriguing hybrid dolls and birds and more from the artist
Mri-Pilar of Lindsborg

The Garden of Isis is 5 rooms of art made from doll bodies, toys, kitchen utensils and other recycled materials.
Mri-Pilar is an eclectic mix of international traveler, mystic, vegetarian, independent, poet, and alien. She lives part-time in Lucas and part of the time at Lindsborg, Kansas. She has created over 1800 recycled sculptures are created from computer motherboards, kitchen utensils, game boards, clock gears, farm machine parts, toys, metal, plastic remnants and other items
Pilar once said that she felt like a 4 year old in a grown up body because of her  vest, curiosity and wonderment of always involves assimilating bits and pieces into an inimitable art form such as her dolls or bird. 

"I had no ideas (when I started on a piece). The faucet would go on and for about half a day I would pick up objects and put things together," she said. "Then the faucet would go off, and then I had to work to finish them. It was never a conscious effort to create a piece."

Pilar calls those works "unclocks" because they were made in the moment and with no preconceived notion about what art is.

The Flower Nook is honored to have our MasterCraft Back Wall a gallery show of some of her wonderful dolls and birds.

Fun cards

Plus, Pilar has created a fun line of cards-each with a peak hole that brings the pattern through to the inside.
 To see more :

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