Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life is a Journey

Wayne's  Gift Guide Suggest: Christmas Stocking for your holiday décor.

Do not forget to fill a Christmas Stocking for your pet!

The hanging of stocking by the fireplace mantel, is a familiar Christmas custom. Those with homes lacking fireplaces may hang Christmas stocking from bedpost, doorknobs, windowsills, staircases and other areas.

When Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve, He fills the stockings with small treats and gifts. While there is no definitive account that completely explains this tradition, several legends may help to illustrate how the custom of hanging Christmas stockings arose. 

In the first legend, St. Nicholas of Myra, believed to be the inspiration for Santa Claus, is traveling through a small village when he learns of the plight of a merchant and his daughters. In one popular version of the story, the once wealthy merchant has fallen on difficult times and is worried for the future of his three beautiful daughters.
     Unable to afford dowries for the girls, the 3 young women have no prospects for wedlock and may be subject to lives of shame.

Upon hearing of this predicament, St. Nicholas set forth to secretly help the proud merchant, knowing he would not accept an outright gift of charity. Riding his majestic white horse by the merchant's house one night, St. Nicholas tossed three bags of gold coins down the home's chimney. The bags were fortuitously captured in the girls' stockings, which had been hung by the fireplace mantle to dry.

When the gold coins were discovered the next morning, the merchant and his daughters rejoiced. Upon hearing of this predicament, St. Nicholas set forth to secretly help the proud merchant, knowing he would not accept an outright gift of charity. Riding his majestic white horse by the merchant's house one night, St. Nicholas tossed three bags of gold coins down the home's chimney. The bags were fortuitously captured in the girls' stockings, which had been hung by the fireplace mantle to dry.

Ephanie DeBey is not new to The Flower Nook. In the past, she has showcased her jewelry line. We are happy to have her back this holiday's season. Her company, Life is a Journey ,brings a bit of fun to the holiday stocking traditions with whimsical patterns.

Each sock has been fluffed with a cotton batting and lined and is guaranteed to hold treats and treasures that will delight all ages on Christmas morn.

P.S. Ephanie is Wayne and Peggy's oldest daughter. Her creativity at the store can be seen in the construction of the shop, the marketing of the products, the window displays and so much more.

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