Saturday, February 1, 2014

PP: Is Valentine's Day for the Birds?

Peggy's Pointers
Helping you become more floral Savvy each Sunday!

Is Valentine's for the Birds?

If you believe in folklore, then Valentine’s Day has been about the birds since the very beginning!

In a practice dating back to the ancient Romans and Greeks, the flight patterns, songs and behavior of birds were used as a basis for divining the future and their meanings were often interpreted as prophecies about love and relationships.
Medieval folklore says that birds choose their mates on February 14.  This made it a natural conclusion to choose the same date for our own celebration of love and fidelity. As this folklore evolved, it came to dictate that the first bird an unmarried woman sees on Valentine’s Day would provide an omen as to her future husband’s character.
So, if you wake up on Valentine’s Day and want to stack the deck in your favor, just make sure you find the correct bird from the list below in order to “guarantee” the partner of your dreams:
• If you want a wealthy partner then see a goldfinch first.
• Seeing a swan first foretells finding a loyal and lifelong partner.

A bird of prey means living with a politician or leader.

• Your partner will always return home if you see a pigeon.

• A blackbird signals a clergy member in your future.

• See a sparrow and a life on the farm is headed your way.

• Want to travel with your partner? See a gull first!

• A bluebird means a fun and happy partner will come your way.

• Not in to commitment? Then a woodpecker or crow means a relationship or marriage will have to wait another year.

Don’t forget the Parakeets!  The Flower Nook is a proud owner of a pair of parakeets.
Our parakeets would foretell your guaranteed success with sending flowers from the Flower Nook to that special someone for any occasion.

But don’t take my word for it, come in and ask them yourself!
                                     Happy Bird Watching (Valentine’s Day)

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