Saturday, January 4, 2014

PP: Generations of Flowers

Peggy's Pointers
Helping you become more floral Savvy each Sunday!

SAF’s Generations of Flowers consumer research study, explores the motivations and barriers of how different age groups perceive, buy, and use flowers and floral outlets. Three generations of consumers were assessed through qualitative and quantitative measures: Generation Y (born between 1981-1994), Generation X (1965-1980), and Baby Boomers (1946-1964).

The study methodology included:
  • Interviews with generational and gift giving research giants, Iconoculture and Roper
  • Two online focus groups of 57 individuals
  • Online survey of 1,557 flower consumers
With some clear challenges ahead, especially with Gen Y, this research will help the industry best target our messages and marketing vehicles for effectiveness, and generate the best positive media coverage of flowers.
Attitudes Toward  Flowers
The research shows that flowers are valued by most, but appear to have more depth of meaning for older generations.
When probed on why they appreciate flowers, consumers are most likely to relate to the sensory & emotional aspect of flowers, agreeing:
  • The color of the flowers adds to the impact of a gift (64% agreement)
  • The sight and smell can improve my mood (60%)
  • Flowers are an emotional gift (56%)
  • Flowers make me feel special (56%)
  • The fragrance is important to me (53%).
Flowers have a high interpersonal resonance.
  • Consumers believe the gift of flowers signifies being caring (61%), personal (58%), and sentimental (58%). Further, people who give flowers as gifts are most likely to be perceived as thoughtful (77%) and sincere (57%).
  • While many saw flowers as a traditional gift, this is not considered to be a negative, but a time-honored and valued custom. 
We understand flowers!  The Flower Nook staff prides itself in keeping up with the statics and trends that will help us become experts in our field. 




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